THS Alumni that found their passion after taking Music Technology

If you need this website translated 

In Music Technology I you will be required to work independently and have time management skills with each project.

Topics include but not limited to:

Basics of a Sound System, Audio Effects, MIDI Sequencing, Audio Sequencing
Composing, Arranging , Podcasting, Remixing, Film Scoring & Live Performance using Technology,


Remixing Assignment

Remixing Assignment 

You will remix ONE of the options below.  All the audio stems can be downloaded by clicking the red buttons for each song

Length:  1:30-2:00 minutes or longer
Tracks: 15 or more
Automation: You must show usage of volume, pan and sweep
Audio Effects: You must use at least two (2) audio effects  


How can you change the melody, harmony and rhythm of the original in creating your remix

Listen to the original - what are the signature parts of the song?  Create samples of the vocals
When using the stems think about how you can cut them up, simpify, rearrange, etc.  


Remix Bruno Mars - Uptown Funk 

Remixing Beethoven 5th Symphony

Remix Beethoven's 5th Symphony


  • Want to loop the flutes over a beat made of cello stabs and timpani? You can.

  • Want to create the first ever bassoon-based dance record? You can.

  • Want to create a chill-out record featuring violas and french horns? You can.



Remix Kanye West - Love Lockdown

Remix Billie Eilish - Bad Guy