Week of May 23 - A Day, B Day
Listening Assignment # 2 CLICK HERE
May 24-25
Movie Assignment # 3 - Your Scene CLICK HERE
How Music Changes the Movie - Recut Trailers!
You must use at least 5 of the 18 advanced effects
Choice Board Monday April 25 - Friday May 13
Monday May 17 Movie Music vs Video Game Music
Monday May 16 - Movie Music!
Listen to some of today's most popular Movie Music Composers
What you have already learned
Why is movie music important to a movie
The moods each instrument group represents
Elements of Tension & Relaxation in music
Functions of Movie Music
Video Game Music - is there a difference?
Listening Assignment # 1 CLICK HERE
You must use High, Mid, Gain, Bass & Filter & Crossfade
Due by 11:59pm this Friday, April 1, 2022
If you are working on Podcasting
1. Your one-minute podcast is due. Share the file with me.
2. Podcast needs to include intro, body & outro
3. Music for intro and outro are the same.
If you are working in You.DJ
One minute recording of you demonstrating the following:
Mid Range - EQ
Low Range - EQ
Next Week: you will add more advanced features
If you are working on Remixing with Stems
Share your Soundtrap file with me so I can listen to what you have so far.
Due by 11:59pm Thursday April 14, 2022
If you are working on Podcasting
1. Your Choice podcast is due. Share the file with me.
2. Podcast needs to include intro, body & outro
3. Music for intro and outro are the same.
Length: 3-5 minutes or more!
Sign up for times to use the Tascam Mixcast Podcast System OR record in Soundtrap
If you are working in You.DJ
One minute recording of you demonstrating the following
If you are working on Remixing with Stems
Length - 2:00 or longer
Must show Volume, Pan & Sweep Automation
Advanced: EQ & Compression
Soundtrap Basic Checklist
Add tracks
Add Loops
Create Loop Favorites
Cut Loops
Split Loop Regions
Join Loop Regions
Add Automation - Pan, Sweep & Volume
Fade In & Fade Outs
Time Stretching
If you need help with any of the above let me know
Week of March 21, 2022
Podcast Review
Complete the podcast review form. CLICK HERE
One-Minute Podcast
Record a one-minute podcast about yourself, favorite hobby, song, etc. Must have intro, body and outro
Your Choice Podcast
Create a 3-5 minute podcast in Soundtrap. Your choice of the topic. Write down your script (word for word or bullet points)
Feel free to work to pair up with someone for this assignment.
You DJ
Be able do the following:
Assign songs to L &R decks
Mid, Bass & Filter Knobs
FX - Filters & automation
Sampler - inport samples
Assignment # 1
Record a 1 minute performance using the basic functions listed above.
Remixing w/Stems
Complete the Remix Review Assignment. CLICK HERE
Look for audio stems. Ask if you need help
Assignment # 1
Create a 3 minute remixing using stems from one or more songs.
Must include
Volume, Sweep & Pan
CReate C
THS Alumni that found their passion after taking Music Technology
Week of January 31, 2022
DO NOW - Click here Complete the Tech Support Username and Password form.
This will allow you to use the computers in the lab.
You must use the lab computers and NOT your chromebooks.
Certain aspects of Soundtrap will work much better on the lab computers vs your chromebooks
How log into Soundtrap
For Period 4 Music Tech
Click Here. Class Code is N3ZZYWW
For Period 6 Music Tech
Click Here. Class Code is VEBNT8R
By the end of this week you will be able to do the following:
Add tracks
Add Loops
Create Loop Favorites
Cut Loops
Split Loop Regions
Join Loop Regions
Add Automation - Pan, Sweep & Volume
In Music Technology I you will be required to work independently and have time management skills with each project.
Topics include but not limited to:
Basics of a Sound System, Audio Effects, MIDI Sequencing, Audio Sequencing
Composing, Arranging , Podcasting, Remixing, Film Scoring & Live Performance using Technology,
Music Technology I Assignments
Assignment # 1 "Your Choice"
You will create a 2:30 (2 minutes & 30 seconds) song in Soundtrap. This assignment is called "Your Choice" because it is your choice on what style of music you create. Hip Hop, Rap, Country, Rock,.......its Your Choice!
Assignment Criteria
Length of File must be at least 2:30 or longer in length.
Must include at least 15 tracks
Must show automation - Volume, Pan and/or Sweep. Your choice of which track(s)
Helpful Hints
Keep your song interesting! Change up the three elements of music - Melody, Harmony, & Rhythm
Keep adding loops to your favorites playlist
Be creative - think outside your musical comfort zone. Try something new....It's OK
Have someone else listen. Get their thoughts & suggestions
Due Date - Wednesday February 16, 2022
Welcome to Music Technology I
This is an introductory course where you will explore many concepts in creating music using technology.
This class is project based which means you must be able to have time management skills while working on your projects.
You will be using Soundtrap Digital Audio Workstation as your main application for this class. You will have your own account and will be able to access Soundtrap on ANY device!
You will need headphones for this class. Earbuds or Bluetooth headphones will be fine.
You MUST use the computers in the lab. Your chromebooks will be limited at times with Soundtrap
Google Classroom and this website will be used for all class assignments and materials
What you will learn in this class
Sound System Basics
Audio Effects
Soundtrap Digital Audio Workstation
Music Production Basics
Film Scoring
If you need this website translated
Copyright Act of 1976
Time Stretching in Soundtrap
Alt & Click on the lower right of the loop and drag to stretch or compress
READ: The State of Sampling 2021
Week of February 28, 2022
Assignment # 2 - Sampling
Step One - Select 4 songs
1. From the 1970's
1. From the 1990's
1. From the 2010's
1. From today
Step Two
Create mp3's of each song
Step Three
Input into Soundtrap
Step Four
Length: 1:30-2:00 minutes
Automation: must show volume, pan & sweep
You will use a combined of samples AND loops
You do not have to use all of the samples
Be creative
Explore and try new things.
Use Time Stretch!
Don't forget:
Make a copy of your original tracks
Freeze the original track
Trust Me! This will save you time & frustration!
Due Date: Friday March 18, 2022 by 11:59pm
Listen to these "Your Choice" examples
How do they change the 3 elements of music
Melody, Harmony & Rhythm
What did you like about the song?
What would you change about the song?